TalentView HR Marketing Services | Most Comprehensive HR Database
Book 10+ Meetings

How to Book 10+ Meetings Per Month With the TalentView Database

I will quickly show you how to set up an infrastructure to book 10+ meetings per month on autopilot with minimal resources.

With TalentView, we’re 100% focused on companies who sell to HR.

If you sell to HR and are struggling to book consistent new qualified meetings, keep reading!

The total cost for this step-by-step process will be $10,000/year and you will set between 120-180 meetings.

We have done this for the last five years for our clients at OutboundView (outsourced appointment setting for companies that sell to HR) and now we’re making our processes and contact database available to all.

Background & Context

Let me know if this sounds familiar……

You’re having difficulty predictably finding new qualified prospects. Most of your leads come from referrals, random inbound leads, and maybe some social media leads.

When you get meetings, you close them at a high rate. When you get clients, you grow them consistently, and they stay around. But you just aren’t having enough First Meetings to fill the pipeline.

I’m going to make another assumption

You’ve tried about everything from a marketing perspective. Agencies, paid ads, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, etc, and nothing brings in consistent leads.

Your Most Likely Problem — Consistency

Small teams are spread thin. You try something for a while, and when it doesn’t work, you abandon it and try something new.

Let’s try something new and commit for 12 months. If you follow this methodology with the free training resources we provide at TalentView University, you will start consistently booking meetings.

Here’s the Plan

We’re going to build successful outbound email and follow-up phone campaigns that convert to net-new meetings.

  • Every single business day, we’re going to send 75 emails from each email we setup
  • When people engage with our content, we’re going to connect with them on LinkedIn and call them
  • 2-3% of the people we reach out to are going to book meetings with us

Following this process should equate to 10-15 meetings per month minimum or 120-180 new meetings per year

Take your close rate of those meetings and multiply that by your average deal size. That’s the revenue we’re going to add.

Software & Data Tools

TalentView Database – The TalentView database is 100% focused on HR and has no credit minimums. We will have enough data through the platform to last us years. 

Salesloft/Hubspot/Outreach – Sales enablement platforms to send emails from salespeople. These tools can also act as lead CRM if we don’t have a dedicated CRM. If you do have a dedicated CRM they easily can speak with major CRMs like Hubspot/Salesforce. We can also call and manage LinkedIn outreach through these tools.

Campaigns & Messaging –

That Work

Here is where we make our money. Building campaigns is where most outreach fails. I will use an example of a leadership development company to show how I’d build and segment lists in TalentView.

Keys When Segmenting Lists
  • Start with the companies. Which companies are most likely to buy from us? In this example, we’ll say companies between 500-3,000 employees in all industries except Government and Education.
  • Segment by company size. Companies with 500 employees have very different titles than companies with 3,000 employees. We’ll segment accordingly.
  • Segment by seniority – VPs of HR will get very different messages than managers of HR
  • Segment by job title. Talent Management gets a different message than L&D or VPs of HR, so they get pulled into separate lists 
Messaging Fundamentals
  • Write at a 3rd to 5th-grade level. No marketing jargon. Easy to understand plain language.
  • Write for mobile devices. No lengthy paragraphs, 2-3 sentences max per paragraph to make reading easier
  • A/B test subject lines, the first line in the email, and the ask in the email
  • Write intriguing subject lines that get people to open emails
  • Segment messaging by job title. Once again, VPs of HR get very different messaging than managers of leadership development.

Let’s Design Some Campaigns…

Here are the first campaigns I want to test (using a leadership development company as my example).

  • Campaign 1 Pain Point: Managing Remote Teams
  • Campaign 2 Pain Point: Build Trust With Direct Reports
  • Campaign 3 Pain Point: Creating Experiential Training
  • Campaign 4 Intent Data from TalentView on Leadership Development Companies (TalentView can tell you who’s specifically looking for certain types of HR products/services)

Let’s walk through exactly what we’d do with Campaign #1 below.

First we will start by walking your through the lists and strategy associated with those.

Then we will walk through the ideal outreach cadence and messaging.

Lists & Strategy

  • Directors & VPs of HR, Companies Under 1,000 Employees – They most likely don’t have learning departments built out. These individuals probably have a budget for leadership training. Ask directly for a meeting with them and emphasize they don’t have a huge team to help.
  • Managers, Directors, and VPs of L&D/Leadership Development 1,000-3,000 Employees – This is their core job. Leadership training will roll up to these individuals. Talk to their main pain points and ask for a meeting.
  • CHROs and VPs of HR Companies 1,000-3,000 Employees – They most likely have direct reports who own this. They won’t take the meeting, but they may refer you to someone on their team. Send 2-3 sentences about why they should care, then ask for a referral, don’t ask them for the meeting. They most likely won’t take it.
  • Intent Data Companies, VPs of HR and CHROs – Pull the companies between 1,000-3,000 employees showing intent. Pull the VPs of HR and CHROs from those companies. Run a referral campaign on these individuals asking who from their team is the right person.
  • Intent Data Companies, L&D and Leadership Titles Manager and Above, Companies 500-10,000 Employees – Same as above. Pull the companies showing intent, then pull L&D and leadership titles. Ask these people for the meeting. They most likely own leadership development.

Side Note: 

As a part of the TalentView subscription, we have a program called TalentView Univeristy. TalentView University is included at no cost. You’ll learn the best ways to segment lists similar to those segments above. You’ll also go through messaging fundamentals to learn how to write email and cold call scripts that convert.

Build an Outreach Cadence

  • Day 1: Email
  • Day 2: Anyone who clicks on the email gets a LinkedIn connection and a call/voicemail
  • Day 3: Reply Follow-Up Email (much shorter than the first email and a recap on email 1)
  • Day 4: Anyone who clicks on the email gets a call/voicemail. If they accept your connection they get a message referring to the email you sent
  • Day 7: Personalized follow-up email to anyone who clicked and another call

If the person doesn’t respond after two emails and hasn’t clicked, you want to move them to a future campaign on a different topic. Don’t email someone seven times who doesn’t engage with your content. They rarely convert. 

**Note – We would typically recommend cold calling as a part of most campaigns, but it’s much more involved and expensive, requires dialers and dedicated callers. Cold Calling can be easily added a phase two when you see traction and get to break-even.

Messaging for Campaign #1

We’re going to write a 2-part email sequence where email one goes out on day one of the sequence and we’ll send a reply email on day three of the sequence. We’ll hyperlink your company name that way once we start sending emails you’ll be able to see who’s clicking on your emails and follow-up with those leads immediately. 

Email 1 (Day 1)

Subject Line Ideas (We’ll A/B Test Subject Lines)

  • Face to Face
  • Social Cues
  • Sherpas of Remote Management
Email 1 (Body)

Hey (First Name) – It’s challenging leading people when you aren’t in-person with your team, can’t read social cues, and don’t see their interactions with other team members.

Leading remotely is really hard; it’s a learned skill. At XYZ Leadership company, we provide highly interactive leadership training focused on managing remote teams. Think of us as the sherpas of remote management fundamentals.  

Would you be open to learning more?

Email 2 (Reply) on Day Three

Hi First Name – I’m following up on my note below regarding the difficulty of managing remote teams. At XYZ Leadership, we provide experiential training for leaders looking to improve their remote management skills. Our work spans front-line leaders all way to senior leadership. 

Do you have 15-20 minutes next week to connect for an intro call?


  • Every business day we will send 75 emails from each email we’ve set up. That’s 225 emails per day or around 1,000 per week. 
  • When people engage with our emails (clicking and opening a lot) we’ll prioritize those individuals – calling and connecting/messaging them on LinkedIn
  • This entire process should take 10-20 hours to set up. Ongoing weekly, you can manage the process in less than two hours per week (excluding all the intro meetings you’ll be booking)
  • The total cost will be around $10,000/year if you are doing the process above
  • You will have the TalentView team available for coaching on outreach via TalentView University
  • You don’t need full-time resources to manage this process. You absolutely can have full-time resources, but it’s not a requirement to book meetings
  • Once this process starts working, it’s straightforward to scale into full-time resources, cold calling, and more time-consuming activities that drive new meetings

Are you willing to make a $10,000 bet? 

Ready to scale your sales and prospecting?